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Red Aquarius Discus 5cm

Red Aquarius Discus 5cm

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Care requirements generally include:

  1. Water Conditions: Discus are sensitive to water quality. They prefer slightly warm water with temperatures between 82°F to 86°F (28°C to 30°C). Maintaining stable and clean water conditions is crucial.

  2. Tank Setup: Provide a spacious tank with a smooth substrate. Discus appreciate well-planted tanks with hiding spots. Driftwood and other decorations can also be included.

  3. Social Behavior: Discus are social fish and do well in groups. Keeping them with their own kind or in a community of peaceful fish is recommended.

  4. Feeding: Offer a varied and high-quality diet, including specially formulated discus pellets, frozen or live foods. A nutritious diet contributes to their health and vibrant colors.

  5. Monitoring Health: Regularly monitor the fish for signs of illness. Quarantine new additions to prevent the spread of potential diseases.